Wednesdays: Rest & Unwind Breathwork @ Dimensional Fitness; 1st and 3rd Wednesday at 6:00pm
Join me in-person in for Transformative Wild Breath Sessions.
Sundays: Breathwork Journey & Sound Bath @ Dimensional Fitness; 2nd Sunday of every month at 9:00am
Offered once a month for a deeper dive into stress relief and the reduction of over-thinking, anxiety & overwhelm.
You can contact Shannon directly about joining one of her upcoming classes at shannon@shannonbrysonbreathwork.com or 760.518.2326.
Who is Shannon Bryson and What is Wild Breath?
I am a Mom, sister, self-exploration enthusiast, travel junkie, coffee loving, Clarity Coach and Trauma Informed Breathwork Facilitator.
I have learned, first-hand that working with the breath can change your life. It can unlock peace and inner happiness, dismantle old beliefs, quiet the overthinking mind, build self-confidence, and open the inspiration flood gates!
Wild Breath is my style of teaching, my methodology.
I create personalized healing journeys by combining breath, movement, sound & prompts. It can be as gentle or dynamic as you need. I guide, you choose.
I provide an opportunity to ask & listen to what your body and spirit need. I have found that the Wild Breath technique allows for so much freedom for your body to uncover, make peace with, and release stress, anxiety, overthinking and buried emotions, at your pace.
It’s an invitation to notice what parts of you need attention.
Being trained and certified in multiple styles of transformational breathwork and specifically Trauma Informed Breathwork, has really given me a lens of autonomy towards my clients. I give choices, options, information and I allow my client to move as quickly, slowly, gently or powerfully as they feel ready. I guide, hold space, encourage but never force. I encourage you to go outside of your comfort zone, but not past your safety zone.
I look forward to breathing with you!